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Understanding the Construction Permit Process in Riyadh

Understanding the Construction Permit Process in Riyadh

Whether it is related to a residential construction project or a commercial construction project, you must understand the construction permit process in Saudi Arabia. You have to look forward to the complete information regarding any construction project you want to pursue there. The process of availing the construction permit in Saudi Arabia seems easy, but one has to work on the rules and regulations involved. The authorities have now implemented certain laws in accordance with the cooperation of stakeholders and with MMRA (Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs). Such a system highlights the major roles played by different members involved in generating a system like that. 

Some Important Points To Consider

The permit process involves the engagement of several factors that help in making the process smoother.


This Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs is responsible for supervising and regulating the municipalities followed by the country. Similarly, they provide permits for construction projects. Besides this, they follow the laws and regulations issued by the state. 


It is about licensing the construction involved in the project. For example, you will have to visit the engineering offices that provide you with a license that supports the technical documentation involved in the project, and it must meet the standard rules.


Then comes the organizations like you have to get permission from Saudi Electricity Company, etc, for construction projects.

Guide To Permit Issuing Process

Below is the guide related to the permit issued for the construction project.

Describe The Project

In the initial phase, you should describe the project in detail with a clear picture that gives an overview of the type of project you want to construct. 

Ownership Documentation

Then, you shall be able to provide a document proving your ownership of the land you want to have the project construction for. 

Engineering Firm

You have to select an engineering firm that you feel is experienced in their services. You can look forward to their license and certificates for further approvals. They have the capability of providing you with all the technical documentation.

Submission Of Application Phase:

Signup For The Balady Platform

It is an online portal and platform that supports the municipal services happening in Saudi Arabia., so, initially, you first have to follow up on the platform and begin your application process. 


After signing up for this online portal, you have to collect and submit all required documents mentioned on the site. 

Application Approval

MMRA reviews and verifies the documents you submitted through the online portal of Balady. Also, the authorities take strict action regarding the regulations set up by the state regarding the construction project. Engineering services you selected for the project, also verify the documents if the state requests them to revise the documents. 

Granting Permit

Once MMRA revises your application and approves your application they will provide you with the construction permit, after which you will continue your construction project.

Key Factors

Project Time

The total process time required for the permit issuing is different as it depends on the project type and complexity. 

Project Type

A bigger project always needs a greater number of permits and approvals from the government, even if it already has a construction permit. 

Permit Charges

The construction permit charges depend upon different factors.

Besides this, you shall always get updated from the MMRA office to know about recent changes in the policies. 

Why Approach This Simple Construction Permit Process?

Greater Transparency 

You can follow the Balady platform to track your application status, as every process involved comes with maximum transparency.

Minimum Processing Timeline

By procuring the permit process, you can minimize the timeline for getting the permit for the project. Also, it defines all processes involved to make things clear for you. 

Reduces Delays

Through the permit process, the delays in the processes get minimized. 

When starting with any construction project, you should opt for the best engineering firm that excels in its professionalism and experience. A firm like Wafaiya can help you in accessing the permit process in Saudi Arabia. 

  • Will act as a bridge between authorities 
  • Will highlight the details asked by MMRA and guide you through
  • Fulfill all the technical documents


By reading the guidance process above to understand the permit process of construction, you must have professional knowledge related to it. Through these professional services in Saudi, you can get complete assistance in the construction project. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Why prefer Wafaiya Company for construction projects?

It is one of the best construction companies that offer ideal services for contracting construction projects. 

How does this company handle the permit issuing?

The company has strong links with government authorities that issue the laws and regulations related to permit issuing.

Can I bypass the procedure of permit issue?

No, until you follow the proper rules set by the Saudi government, they won’t issue the permit for construction.

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